Thursday, November 8, 2012

A few favorite finds

Now, I know I'm supposed to be doing a post on my newly painted master bedroom.  But I haven't finished it to the point I would like yet (i.e. pictures, curtains, etc.) so that's still gonna take a bit.

But, I have found a few things recently that I was so excited about, my heart literally started racing.  Ridiculous.  I know.
Hopefully, you'll share in my passion for silly little things like this lamp from Home Goods:

or how about this GORGEOUS, TO DIE FOR chevron pot??
  Do you just die?  I die.  Take a look at the picture I pinned on Pinterest about a month ago:

So, imagine my surprise and pure glee when I saw the look-a-like sitting on a shelf in Target.  TARGET.  They never cease to amaze me.  Thanks Nate Berkus for your glorious line for them.  I snatched it up quicker than...quicker than...I can't think of anything clever.  But I snatched it up quick, I say!

I stare at both of these things for an irrationally long amount of time every day.  Anyway, that's all for now.  Bye! 


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